Dark Mode

Damage Chart

Need up to date version? -> AFN version

General info:
AB/BD Ranges:

How to use the tool?

The initial data i provided to draw the chart is from a real character and it appears inside the fields so you can have some idea about values.
1-You need to fill in all the inputs below with correct number formatting:
2-Here are the terminologies that may seem "vague" and what they mean:
3-When varying AB values the "BD start" is used in every AB value to calculate damage dealt and vice versa when varying BD, more on that below.

How the calculations are made?

I've used the damage formulas from Global SoulArchive and the boss defense values at end of this section from "EXA|Stinction#9845" on discord (THANKS A LOT)

Here are my calculation steps:

While calculating AB damage dealt values i use "BD start" as a fixed value and change AB starting from "AB start" with increments of "AB step value" until i reach total of values provided in "number of steps".
Then when calculating BD damage dealt i use "AB start" as a fixed value and change BD starting from "BD start" with increments of "BD step value" until i reach total of values provided in "number of steps".

Boss defence list

Other Tools

I made another tool to calculate how many materials you need to craft violent sun raid items, you can check it from VS Material Calculator.

Contact me

Want to leave me a comment or a helpful note ? Have u found any bugs or problems ? find me on discord user: Musho- (•̀ᴗ•́)ง#7885 or github.